Our Mission

GlobalPrayerforChina.org is the online voice responding to Cardinal Charles Bo’s request to come together internationally to pray for the Church and Peoples of China.

Now more than ever, it is vitally important for members of the Church worldwide to unite in prayer for those in China, particularly the vulnerable and those facing persecution.

What we do


Advocate for Global Prayer for the Church in China – that all people may be free from all forms of persecution and oppression.


Promote the sanctity of all human life and defend the fundamental principles of Catholic Social Teaching.


Raise awareness about the atrocities committed against Christians and other religious minorities in China.

In 2007, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI published a Letter to the Church in the People’s Republic of China and designated May 24th, the feast of Our Lady of Help of Christians, as an annual worldwide day of prayer for the Chinese Church.

In 2018, Pope Francis delivered a message to the Catholics of China and to the Universal Church in which he said, “Dear brothers and sisters of the universal Church, all of us are called to recognize as one of the signs of our times everything that is happening today in the life of the Church in China. We have an important duty: to accompany our brothers and sisters in China with fervent prayer and fraternal friendship. Indeed, they need to feel that in the journey that now lies ahead, they are not alone.”

And most recently, on March 14th 2021, Cardinal Bo delivered a statement to the faithful of the world in which he said: “On behalf of the Church throughout Asia, as President of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, I would like to call on the faithful to a Week of Prayer for the Church in China and the peoples of China, from from Sunday 22 May until Sunday 29 May … It is right that we should pray not only for the Church but for all persons in the People’s Republic of China.”

Let us respond to these calls for prayer in a spirit of international and ecumenical solidarity for the Church and the Peoples of China.

Who we are

An informal coalition of lay Christians from six continents have joined together to facilitate a response to Cardinal Bo’s Call for Prayer for the Church and Peoples of China.

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